Dada Digital
Socio-Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion
Thematic Areas
Socio-Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion
Women are most of the poor in the world due to gender inequality that gives women a subordinate position in society, denies them access and control of resources and devalues their work. UN Women reports that globally, there are 122 women aged 25-34 for every 100 men of the same age group living in extreme poverty. Women also make up two thirds of the world’s illiterate people. In Kenya, the World Economic Forum reports that a woman is paid Sh55 for every Sh100 paid to a man for doing a similar job and only a third of Kenyans in formal employment are women. In addition, women provide 89% of the farming labour force yet only 1% of land titles in Kenya are held by women.
Working with other sector players focusing on social-economic empowerment, Dada Digital Initiative focuses on features that highlight women’s participation, opportunities and/or barriers they face in accessing livelihood opportunities including Education, Agriculture, Financial Inclusion, Employment, Poverty and Technology. We acknowledge that supporting women’s access to decent work is necessary in winning the fight against poverty and achieving sustainable development.