Dada Digital
Our Action Areas
Dada Digital Initiative acknowledges that women bear traditional knowledge systems that are important in conserving the environment and mitigation against negative effects of climate change.
Our Action Areas

Women in Environment protection and Climate Change
Globally, women due to their lower economic status and dependency on natural resources are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than men. Women in Kenya, particularly those in rural areas, depend on natural resources for their livelihood as they are responsible for providing water, food and fuel.

Socio-Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion
Women are most of the poor in the world due to gender inequality that gives women a subordinate position in society, denies them access and control of resources and devalues their work. UN Women reports that globally, there are 122 women aged 25-34 for every 100 men of the same age group living in extreme poverty.

Women in Leadership and Decision Making
To achieve gender equality, women need equal access and participation in leadership and decision-making across all levels from the executive, legislature, judiciary and civil societies.
The highest level of power remains the furthest from achieving gender parity.

Women in Sports (Binti Sports)
Sports is a powerful tool that changes lives and provides livelihood opportunities for many. It also promotes gender equality as women in sports prove that men and women are equal by defying gender stereotypes and social norms. However, female athletes are more likely to be less paid, have fewer sponsors and little to no media coverage.
Our Cross cutting issues
DADA Health
Women have poor health outcomes due to sociocultural factors that prevent them from accessing quality health services. Some of these factors include unequal power relationships between men and women, social norms that decrease women’s access to education and paid employment opportunities and gender based violence. Poverty also has a higher effect on women’s health as they are more exposed to malnutrition especially those who are expectant or breastfeeding. Women also suffer from respiratory illnesses due to their exposure to unsafe cooking fuels .
DADA Legal
To achieve sustainable development, countries need to set up policies and legal frameworks that promote women’s participation. Laws that promote women’s ability to engage in gainful employment, access resources and opportunities, receive quality health care help achieve gender equality. Through a partnership with BintiSports, a news channel that exclusively focuses on women in sports, Dada Digital Initiative aims to empower women legally by providing information on laws that protect them, highlighting discriminatory laws and providing information that can assist those that lack finances to pursue justice.
Gender-Based Violence
Violence is a daily reality for women and girls across Kenya. According to the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, 45% of women and girls aged 15 to 49 have experienced physical violence and 14 percent have experienced sexual violence. Between January and December 2020, a total of 5009 cases were recorded through the National GBV toll-free helpline 1195, showing an increase of 1,411 (36%) reported from the previous year. According to the National Crime Research Centre, the number of GBV cases recorded between January and June, 2020 had an increase of 92% as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the same period in 2019.

About Us
Emergency Response
We are a collection of daring dreamers and actors who believe that if properly trained and encouraged, women from resource-poor communities will be the catalysts for the sustained wholistic transformation of their communities and the wider society. Dada Digital Initiative is a Community Based Organization (CBO) registered in Kajiado County County by the Ministry of Youth, Sports Gender & Social Services.