Who We Are
We are a collection of daring dreamers and actors who believe that if properly trained and encouraged, women from resource-poor communities will be the catalysts for the sustained holistic transformation of their communities and the wider society.

About Us
More About Dada Digital Initiative
Dada Digital Initiative is a Community Based Organization (CBO) and a platform where women’s voices are supported and amplified. We are a collection of daring dreamers and actors who believe that if properly trained and encouraged, women from resource-poor communities will be the catalysts for the sustained holistic transformation of their communities and the wider society. This is done by way of reporting and featuring news items through our digital and social media platforms, creating, and managing both physical and virtual events and activities, advocacy on various thematic areas affecting the sector, fundraising drives and awards. We are keen to see our society achieve gender equality since women’s rights are human rights.
Women suffer injustices ranging from FGM, teenage pregnancies and child marriages, sexual assault, Climate hazards, under representation in leadership, politics and employment, disinheritance, and discrimination. There is a need to have a discussion around “telling her story”. Dada Digital Initiative has taken the challenge to fill the gap.
Telling Her Story
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
To be the gender equality media partner of choice in the region.
In today’s culture, the communications media hold an influential place in disseminating information, forming attitudes, and motivating behavior. Technological advances are increasing the role of the media and its capacity to shape public opinion. The information provided by the media is at the service of the common good. Society has a right to information based on truth, freedom, justice, and solidarity.
By “telling her story” we are trying to reach as many people as possible with information and topical issues around women with an aim to empower and uplift them. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 5 which seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030. Moreover, a lot is happening in the female space that doesn’t get enough coverage or limelight by the mainstream media. We saw the gap and a need to start a platform that focuses on telling women’s stories and raising awareness on their rights among other things.
The platform allows us to discuss topical issues that are relevant and beneficial in empowering women such as leadership, reproductive health, climate change, sports and politics. Through this platform, we celebrate women’s achievements and their resilience with a call for societal changes and ending gender stereotypes and prejudice.

The Quests We Pursue
Quest 1: Women in Environmental Protection and Climate Change
Question 1: How can we mainstream cohorts of proactive women climate champions who concertedly and proactively act to slow, stop and reverse environmental degradation?
Quest 3: Women & the Law:
Question 3: How can we get more women to truly experience equal protection under the law as defendants and practitioners?
Quest 5: Combating Gender-Based Violence
Question 5: How can we end all forms of GBV?
Quest 2: Women in Leadership and Decision Making:
Question 2 How can we get more women to have a seat at the table and a voice in the rooms where society and community-impacting decisions are made?
Quest 4: Social-Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion
Question 4: How do we ensure women are mainstreamed and protected in the continuum of wealth creation, consumption and perpetuation?
Quest 6: Women & Health
Question 4: How do we ensure women are mainstreamed and protected in the continuum of wealth creation, consumption and perpetuation?